Shakespearean theatre

Los fantasmas del pasado

otra vez más te he vuelto a ver… para todos los que alguna vez fueron la parte más emportante de nuestras vidas.

Lo que ellos no saben


Fue gracioso. El otro día te vi.

Fue gracioso porque tú a mí no.

Una vez que me di cuenta de que estabas en la acera de enfrente, hice todo lo posible por ser yo la única que supiese de ese encuentro casual. No sé por qué me escondí detrás de la gente. No te lo podría explicar. Algo me decía que no era el momento para vernos. Aún no.

Hacía más de un año que no te veía. Estabas de pie, parado, seguramente esperando a alguien, cosa que me permitió examinarte a la perfección. Era como si el tiempo no hubiera pasado. No habías cambiado apenas. El mismo corte de pelo. El mismo abrigo gris marengo. La misma forma de estar de pie, con las manos en los bolsillos. Un poco más de barba quizás. Y yo ahí quieta mirándote. Como hacía siempre. 


Volvía del trabajo a…

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Coffee Shop Conundrum

another good point on our lovely coffe shopss

Preservation in Pink

Coffee shop culture has changed with the advent of computers, wifi, smart phones, and all other devices that we all use everyday. Conversations and meetings still occur, but many people are there for the sake of productivity. With others working diligently (or at least appearing to do so), the background hum of other customers, and a good, hot beverage and snack, a coffee shop provides a comfortable atmosphere and alternative work space.

Wherever I’m traveling or whenever I have a considerable amount of writing/studying to accomplish, I prefer to spend time in a welcoming coffee shop. What is welcoming to me: comfortable chairs, various seating options, historic buildings, a nice ceiling, background music, good coffee, a few snack options, good lighting, some warmth to the space (rug or wood floors, not linoleum or stick tiles, for examples). Most often, a historic building that maintains its historic integrity fits all of…

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Ella Berthoud and Susan Elderkin, The novel cure: An A-Z of literary remedies (Review)

starting something new in the university. this year, this means that everything we do, think about or post in any social network should be connected with the rest of our and your networks.
sorry and thank for reading 😉

Whispering Gums

I don’t usually blog about books before I’ve read them cover to cover, but I’m making an exception for Ella Berthoud and Susan Elderkin‘s The novel cure because it’s one of those books that’s best read in small doses (no pun intended). You see, it is a book of bibliotherapy, a book that recommends novels to read to cure almost any ailment you can think of.

Bibliotherapy is described in Wikipedia, but I’ll give you Berthoud and Elderkin’s definition:

the prescribing of fiction for life’s ailments.

I don’t want to give away too many treatments. After all, the authors need to eat. But, to give you a taste, here is a sample of ailments and their prescribed treatments:

  • Daddy’s girl, being a: Can you guess the treatment? It’s Jane Austen’s Emma! You didn’t expect me not to start with Jane Austen did you? Emma, Berthoud and Elderkin…

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